Markus Butkereit
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Wir sind nicht die Affen in deiner Horde
Wir sind nicht die Affen in deiner Horde
Material/ 60 remote color bombs, monkeycostumes, canvas, scaffold etc.
Measures/ 10 x 10 meter
Markus Butkereit & Daniel Weißbach
2009/ Berlin/ Germany
Video/ HD/ 15 min
Camera/ Benjamin Behnisch
Editing/ DTagno
Daniel Weissbach and I put on monkey costumes and tried to paint self-portraits. Meanwhile, the gallery owner electrically ignited 62 black paint bombs, which were hidden behind two walls. The colour bombs exploded behind our backs and frightened us with each detonation. In the end the room was totally destroyed. However, we realized to paint two abstract self-portraits.
Photos/ Jürgen Große/ Stefanie Becker
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